UDI in the Classroom

UDI can be applied to a variety of situations including teaching, communication, support service and environment. Some examples of actual applications are as follows:

1. Using visuals in the classroom

  • Prove a course outline to make your lectures more predictable and accessible.
  • Distribute copies of visual materials to students ahead of time.
  • Use diagrams that relate new concepts to old, using a concept map that is built upon during the course.

2. Point of Reference

  • Build pauses into your delivery to allow students time to switch their attention between the teacher, the interpreter/captionist, and the visual material.
  • Instead of saying ‘this’ or ‘that’, be more specific, e.g. ‘use the test tubes stored under the sink”.
  • If using a PowerPoint slide, pause as each line/slide appears to allow students time to read, before proceeding with the explanation.

3. Directions for Labs

  • Discuss any changes before lab begins (in class, via email, or postings).
  • Give students handouts with lab instructions printed on them.

4. Classroom set-up

  • Have students sit in a semi-circle for clear lines of sight.
  • Be aware of distractions, e.g. computers, lights, audio-visual equipment.
  • Ensure that all students have a clear line of sight to the interpreter and/or captionist.