UDI Principles

There are eight principles of Universal Design for Instruction (UDI), as follows:

  1. Class climate: Demonstrate respect for diversity and inclusiveness.
    Ex: Statement in syllabus stating willingness to discuss accommodations.

  2. Interaction: Encourage regular and effective communications between the instructor and student peers.
    Ex: Set communication expectations/rules at start of class.

  3. Physical environment and products: Make sure that facilities, activities and materials are accessible and usable by all.
    Ex: Check line of sight and safety procedures.

  4. Delivery methods: Use multiple methods to deliver content and if possible allow students to select.
    Ex: Lectures, online exercises/problems, cooperative learning, group & individual products, hands on activities.

  5. Information resources and technology: Course materials, assignments and notes are available on demand.
    Ex: Post course presentations, assignments, notes etc. on line so they are available to students and support team.

  6. Feedback: Provide specific ongoing feedback.
    Ex: Provide feedback on parts of large projects, be a contributor during online   discussions.

  7. Assessment: Regularly assess student progress with multiple methods and tools.
    Ex: Assess both group and individual work using written and hands on assignments.

  8. Accommodation: Plan for accommodations for students whose needs are not met by the instructional design.
    Ex: Change to a wheelchair accessible room, or plan for the deaf student to sit near the interpreter in class (The DO-IT: Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology Center)